Top 5 Instagram Accounts All About Rare Books
You know that feeling when you’re just taking a quick peek at your Discover Tab on Instagram, and then suddenly 30 minutes have gone by as you’ve been sucked in to the amazing pictures? Yeah, that happens to us all the time. And this week, it happened when we went down a #RareBook rabbit-hole like Alice in Wonderland. Below you’ll find 5 Instagram accounts that feature beautiful book images and treat us to interesting and unique stories on a regular basis. We hope you enjoy the journey.

Photo: worldantiquarian on Instagram
Worldantiquarian is a self-described lover of children’s books and takes followers on a journey as she finds beautiful bookstores, colorful children’s books and many unique editions of Alice in Wonderland.

Photo: i_bibliotaph on Instagram
Lots of #shelfies and dark-lit eerie snaps of some beautifully bound rare books comprise @i_bibliotaph’s account.

Photo: exlibris.lioness on Instagram
Through this Instagram account we get to visit book stores and libraries across the world, and of course, get up close and personal with some delicious rare books.
Stikeman & Co Bookbindings

Photo: jeffstikeman on Instagram
Jeff Stikeman collects rare books and bindings, but our favorite ‘grams from him are those showing the craft of bookbinding. Stikeman & Co operated in midtown Manhattan for decades and the stories are artfully demonstrated in his pictures.
The Library Company

Photo: librarycompany on Instagram
The Library Company of Philadelphia is a research library that focuses on American society and culture from the 17th-19th centuries. With incredibly fascinating prints and writings, the books that are on display in their feed are not to be missed.
Got more Instagram favorites? Share them with us on Instagram @byjasper52.