Discover 19th Century United States in 13 Antiquarian Maps
One interesting way to understand historical picture is through antiquarian maps. Maps can tell stories with a unique geographical, objective perspective in a way no other medium can. And they make great wall art.
Today, we’re traveling back in time through these 13 historical maps of US states from the 19th century:
Florida, 1835
Arkansas, 1841
Atlas Map of Texas, 1873
New York, 1846
New Jersey, 1814
Illinois, 1874
Indiana, 1846
Iowa, 1853
Nebraska & Kanzas, 1855
Minnesota, 1882
Ohio, 1887
California, 1892
Texas, 1883
Want to explore more of the United States or perhaps jump continents? Check out this week’s Antiquarian Map auction for beautiful map prints.